(Political Hardcore Punk / Canada)
1.home away from home
2.ain't no you
3.american mould
4.double cross
5.bunker life
6.go to war
7.junk head
8.beer can nightmare
9.pyramid mall blues
10.so much hate
11.pool hunt
12.exit death
13.no hope religion
Thanks so much Filosofos! Track one is my favorite,and quite fitting for an election year. By the way, I can't resist commenting about the fact there is a stupid poseur who has a band by the same name. Its really irritating when people give props to new bands when the old ones kick so much ass, huh? Thanks alot>>>Rg
generally is a very very good record.I like it a lot.
someone must told this stupid poseur what means S.C.U.M.:)
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