(Punk / France)
1. VERDUN (Rouen) "Verdun"
2. S.O.D. (Suède) "Lagar of Forordningar"
3. CHARNIER (Paris) "Ennemi"
4. NEFASTES (La Roche sur Yon) "URSS"
5. PSYCHO (Etats-Unis) "Lies"
6. TERMINAL BOREDOM (Paris) "Triste Mine"
7. HAINE BRIGADE (Lyon) "Vivre Pas Survivre"
8. HEIMAT-LOS (Pairs) "Alles in K"
9. ETA (Hongrie) "Travail et Pain"
10. FINAL BLAST(Pontarlier) "Vendeur de Mort"
11. KOLERAT (Paris) "La Loi"
12. THE DECEASED(Grande Bretagne) "Boredom"
13. PORTE MENTAUX (Paris) "Extermination"
14. RAFF (Limoges) "Ne Crois Pas"
15. LES SINGES (Paris) "Chirac'n'roll"
16. BRAINWASH (Caen) "État d'Urgence"
17. LES MOKOS (Nice) "She Don't Care"
18. QSS (Hongrie) "Tetues Szutu Vavosunkban"
19. FRANZ KULTUR ET LES KRAMES (Rennes) "Ouest-France"
20. SOLUCION MORTAL (Mexoqie) "Imperialista"
21. WART (Rennes) "Where's the Sun?"
22. MELLAKKA(Finlande) "R.I.P."
23. BUTCHER (Paris) "Butcher"
24.BLOODY FUCKERS (Caen) "C'est Dimanche"
25. DEM (Paris) "Vengeance"
26. KRONSTADT DISORDER (Nantes) "Coup de Foutre"
27. KARNAGE (Clermont-Ferrand) "Pepsodent"
28. MARNINA REVUE (Hongrie) "Regi Multad"
29. CIVIL DISSIDENT (Australie) "Exhibit A - An Ego Trip"
30. KROMOZOM 4 (Pairs) "J'en ai Marre d'Être Vert"
31. PACIFIC 231 (Paris) "Mutilate Distortion"
32. KRUNCH (Suède) "A Genial Cock From a Wall"
33. RAPT (Vernon) "Torture"
34. WRETCHED (Italie) "Troppo Facile Morire"
35. AL KAPOTT (Brest) "Super Curé"
36. ABJECT (Paris) "The Kind"
37. 13° SECTION (Paris) ""Er is Immer das Selbe"
38. LES CADAVRES(Paris) "La Fin"
this is the insert of the album.very nice!
Great choice! Thanks for this one, some wonderful bands here. Too bad Brainwash never got a record out!
I forgot to post the insert which is very nice but i will fix it soon.
Hello Anonymous,
There is a cd discography of Brainwash with 6 songs. I've got this record and maybe I will post this on my blog.
Thank you Filosofos for the insert and for this great comp.
Jean marc
The Hungarian bands correct tracks:
ETA "Dolgozz és Zabálj"
QSS "Tetves"
MARINA REVUE "Régi Multad"
Here find many old Hungarian Punk, New Wave etc. stuff:
Can you reupload the insert please?
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